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    Lettuce is most commonly grown as a leaf vegetable which is used in salads and sandwiches.This plant has a height of about 6-12 inches and its leaves are mostly greenish in color. It has a life of 65-130 days from planting to harvesting. They are at their peak in summer whereas their growth becomes a little slow in winters. It is also used in so...

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    Leeks are bulb like vegetables with a mild and crunchy onion taste. They reach maturity in the autumn season and they are as thin as a finger. They are most commonly used to add flavor to stock. They have a very mild and a sweet flavor. They may also be used in sauces, stews or soups. The white stem or the stalk is the edible part of the leek. ...

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    Lady Finger

    A green colored oblong shaped vegetable, tapering at the end with tiny seeds inside. It is also known as okra or gumbo. It is often used as an ingredient in Indian and Pakistani cuisine. The entire plant is edible and its leaves are usually eaten raw in salads. Usage Okra is consumed in different ways in varied cuisine. The cooking style diff...

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    Lotus Stem

    Also known as lotus root it is a root vegetable from India and China, used widely in Indian, Chinese and Japanese food. They are the edible parts of the lotus flower which is found under water. It is usually crunchy and is fairly sweet and has a flavor like water chestnut. It has a delicate flavor. Almost all parts of the plant like the root, ...

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